Award-winning products for an excellent life!
For your physical and mental health.
For your physical and mental health.
Did you know that 700 children are still born with an “open back” every year in Germany? The reason: The mothers had a folic acid deficiency. Or did you know that of the 500,000 people who develop cancer every year in Germany, most have still not heard that inexpensive vitamin C can also be a powerful weapon against cancer - and not just expensive chemotherapy?
And did you know that vitamin D deficiency is widespread and leads to an increasing number of hip and femoral neck fractures, especially in older people - often with fatal complications? Many people don't know this. Although there have been studies on each individual vitamin for several years, they clearly show that vitamins keep us healthy. Vitamins extend our lives. Conversely, vitamin deficiency makes us sick. Seriously ill, even. The scientific connections have been known for a long time.
Since our food today unfortunately no longer has the same amount of nutrients as it did 50 years ago, we therefore have to supplement additional nutrients. However, it is extremely important to pay attention to the quality, dosages and bioavailability. This means that the vital substances supplied must reach the cells. And that's not the case with most nutritional supplements. In the best case scenario, a maximum of 20 percent will be absorbed. However, experts speak of more like 5 percent. The result is an expensive pee because the vital substances absorbed orally end up in the toilet and not in the cells.
That's why we're proud that our products have won multiple awards, including being the best in Europe. The reasons: Extremely high quality, sensible dosages and a bioavailability of no less than 90 percent! This will give you maximum support for your health.
But we don't stop there. We also take care of your mental health. Especially for your financial well-being. And that is more important today than ever before, because 80 percent of all people with financial worries are sick. Anxiety, depression, psychoses as well as joint and spinal diseases are the most common impairments. This emerges from a study by the University of Mainz on the subject of “Poverty, debt and health.
Since many of our users are passionate fans of our products, we have decided to forego traditional marketing strategies and instead pass on the money we save directly to you. What this means for you is that you participate in our economic success by recommending our products to people you care about. This is a very easy way to earn an additional between 500 and 1000 euros per month. Just talk to us and support your physical and mental health.